
The Secret to Clean Student Desks

The Secret to Clean Student Desks

I cannot stand clutter.  I just can’t.  There is no amount of therapy that will be able to keep me from my compulsive need to have chairs pushed in, desks organized, book bins all facing the right direction, notebook tubs straight and tidy, etc.  You get the idea.  I want my classroom to be clean and tidy.  Organized workspaces are an integral part of any classroom.  This includes clean student desks!  For me, it is an essential piece of having a calmer more peaceful classroom environment.  Today’s freebie for our newsletter subscribers is a few Christmas themed Clean Desk Critter certificates!  


How do you get students to keep their desks clean and organized?

Have you ever seen the insides of the average student’s binder (or cubby, locker, etc.)?  It is horrifying!  Students are 100% capable of keeping their spaces organized and tidy IF they are held accountable and monitored.  The Clean Desk Critter is a fun way to reinforce the habit of keeping their workspaces clean and tidy.  

The Clean Desk Critter allows the teacher to recognize the students who take pride in their work spaces and are learning the organizational skills necessary to achieve success.  We like to surprise students with periodic use of the Clean Desk Critter and a small treat.  We’ve listed some of our favorite treats to accompany the certificates, but the certificate itself could always serve as the treat on its own, too!  


How do you use the Clean Desk Critter certificates?

Here are some things we have learned along the way using the Clean Desk Critter.  

  • You need to establish your personal expectations for a clean workspace and share them with your students.  Your idea of a clean workspace and theirs most likely do not align! Yet! 
  • Clean Desk Critter visits are unannounced and can be at any point during the day when students are not present in the classroom.  Upon their return, your students will be pleasantly surprised to find a certificate and treat on their desks (if it met the Clean Desk Critter’s expectations)!
  • Using the Clean Desk Critter one to two times a month is most effective.
  • When we recycle the certificates, we only accept certificates returned in the same condition that they were given.  This saves time and paper.  The ultimate time and paper saver, however, would be to laminate a classroom set of full-color certificates.
  • When using the black and white template, we like to print them on bright colored paper.
  • It is up to your discretion whether the entire class receives the same reward or you allow your students to choose.
  • Make sure you are aware which students received certificates, because unfortunately we have all had that “one” student who was not honest. (It’s amazing what a kid will do for a Dum-Dum!)
  • The students who do not receive a Clean Desk Critter certificate upon arriving in the classroom, find to their dismay that ALL of the contents of their desks are piled on top.  They are then required to organize their materials.  The Clean Desk Critter is ruthless!
  • Periodically, by way of reminder we will say, “Is that Clean Desk Critter worthy?”
  • We always tell our students that the identity of the Clean Desk Critter remains a secret until the current class graduates from high school.


What kind of treats does the Clean Desk Critter like to leave?

In December, our Clean Desk Critter likes to leave candy canes or assorted Christmas candies.  Seasonal Little Debbies are always a welcomed surprise as well.  Of course, you always need to be aware of the food allergies in your classroom.  Other fun treats can include seasonal erasers (often available in the Target Dollar Spot), fun bookmarks, classroom coupons, or even a new pencil.  


If you’re looking for Clean Desk Certificates that can be used throughout the year, you can find ours here!

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Hello, we're Renee and Laura!

We have a combined 54 years of elementary teaching experience, and we are passionate about helping other teachers bring enthusiasm and rigor to their classrooms using best practices!  When we aren’t at school, you can often find us reading new books or drinking a good cup of coffee! 

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