10 Things To Do with the Rest of the Class During Small Group Instruction!

There is no tip toeing around the fact that the success of your small group instruction is directly tied to the success of your students’ independence during this time. You will never be able to run an effective small group if you are constantly interrupted by a student outside the group needing help or instructions. […]
How to Make Math and Reading Small Groups Happen with the Perfect Daily Schedule!

Finding Time for Small Groups We’ve been hearing it a lot lately, and I’m sure you’ve thought it too… “I don’t know how to fit it all in!!” We all want to make the use of every minute we have with our students, and yet, at the end of the day you may be scratching […]
The Secret to Clean Student Desks

The Secret to Clean Student Desks I cannot stand clutter. I just can’t. There is no amount of therapy that will be able to keep me from my compulsive need to have chairs pushed in, desks organized, book bins all facing the right direction, notebook tubs straight and tidy, etc. You get the idea. I […]
The Secret to Great Classroom Management in December

How do you maintain great classroom management in December? Classroom management can be tough anytime of year, but classroom management can be especially tough right before a big break. Tinsel Teams are a fantastic (and inexpensive!) way to maintain great classroom management while also adding some fun and excitement in your classroom leading up to […]
How to Use Silent Signals in Your Classroom to Increase Your Student Engagement

We love silent signals, and you should too! Silent signals for the classroom are a great way to increase your student engagement! Every single student is involved 100% of the time, and you can tell what the entire class is thinking with just a glance. Silent signals can be for every classroom- not just elementary; […]