
Notes of Encouragement: Making Spirits Bright One Note at a Time!

Do you want to help boost spirits and send ripples of positivity throughout your school?

We know you do!!  I think we can all agree that it has been one crazy year.  Not just the school year, but 2020 in its entirety.  With the exception of January.  Remember January?  The time before toilet paper shortages, and masks, and social distancing.  Oh the memories!  

If ever there was a year to set aside a little extra time to send out notes of encouragement, this is the one!  There is something very special about a handwritten note, and it’s basically guaranteed to bring a smile to the recipient!


Print, write, and deliver! 

Today’s freebie is a set of Christmas themed note cards.  We hope you will print them out, get cozy under a blanket with your favorite pens (are you team Flair or Ink Joy Gel?!), and write some notes of encouragement to deliver to your friends and co-workers at school.  I have hand written notes that I have saved from friends, co-workers, and family from various stages of life that I have kept over the years.  I don’t keep them all, but I keep the ones that I know will bring a smile to my face a few more days, weeks, months, or even years down the road when I see it again.  You never know what kind of positive impact you can have on someone’s day or even week with a simple handwritten note!  

While it is easy to deliver notes and surprises to our friends, I encourage you to push yourself to go beyond just your friends (although, they would love a note, too!).  Consider writing a note to the custodian who cleans your room every night, the cafeteria staff that serves lunches everyday, or the secretary who is always answering all your questions. 


Ideas for Over Achievers! 

If you really want to go above and beyond in making someone’s day here are some things you could include with your note of encouragement:

  • The recipient’s favorite coffee (or tea, hot chocolate, etc.)  order
  • The recipient’s favorite candy bar or salty snack
  • A piece of fun sized Christmas candy 
  • A new pen (Seriously, do you know any teachers who don’t love pens?!) 
  • A new pencil (As long as it is a Ticonderoga!) 
  • A Christmas scented mini hand sanitizer (very 2020) 


While all the extras are definitely fun, at the end of the day, a simple note will only cost you a few moments of your time (and a few pieces of paper/cardstock for printing).  Whether the note is accompanied with anything or not, it is sure to brighten someone’s day, so set a note-delivering goal for yourself, and make it happen!  Whether your goal is to write a note to everyone on your team, everyone on the support staff, your entire building, or just a couple friends who need encouragement, know that the  time spent writing will be worth the smiles it will bring!  

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Hello, we're Renee and Laura!

We have a combined 54 years of elementary teaching experience, and we are passionate about helping other teachers bring enthusiasm and rigor to their classrooms using best practices!  When we aren’t at school, you can often find us reading new books or drinking a good cup of coffee! 

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